Nampa Housing Authority

Nampa Housing Authority
Nampa Housing Authority is the Low-income Housing Agency in the City of Nampa that provides housing for low-income families. We have 142 units available throughout the city, ranging in size from 1-4 bedrooms. NHA provides local preferences for families who: 1. Are Working 2. Are in a Work related training program 3. Are Elderly 4. Are Disabled. Each preference carries the same weight. If, for example a family attempts to move into our units and does not have a preference, they are likely to not ever move up the waiting list. We admit families into our housing utilizing HUD required eligibility determinations. As further mandated by the federal government, we must provide access to housing to any individual or family deemed eligible under these federal guidelines. If you are interested in reviewing those guidelines, I would suggest reading 24 CFR § 5.5 for further clarification. Our waiting list ranges from 6-9 months, but can move quicker if current residents move out more rapidly. One needs to come into the office and apply for housing at 211 19th Ave. North, Nampa, ID. Our office hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. You can also pick up a copy of our application on-line at Another great resource for families seeking housing is, Thank you for your interest in housing.